The binding
element allows to specify a binding which is specific to a given document type. A binding
element binds a user input, for example a sequence of key strokes, to a command.
Excerpts from rng_section_config/common.incl
(same file for all variants):
<property name="$c blockList"> {}paragraph=paragraph </property> <binding> <keyPressed code="ENTER" /><command name="insertNewlineOrSplitBlock" /> </binding> ... <binding> <keyPressed code="DELETE" /> <command name="deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar" /> </binding> <binding> <keyPressed code="BACK_SPACE" /> <command name="deleteSelectionOrJoinBlockOrDeleteChar" parameter="backwards" /> </binding> ... <binding> <keyPressed code="ENTER" modifiers="shift" />
<command name="sect.insertBreak" /> </binding>
When a user presses the ENTER, DELETE, or BACK_SPACE key while the caret is found inside a <property name="$c blockList"> {}paragraph=paragraph </property> Notice " | |
When the user presses Shift+ENTER, we want XXE to add a |