XMLmind Word To XML
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XMLmind Word To XML Manual
Explains how to install and use XMLmind Word To XML (w2x for short), how to customize the output of w2x and how to embed a w2x processor in a Java™ application.

This document has been created using MS-Word.

DOCX DOCXmanual.docxSource DOCX file created using MS-Word.
PDF PDFmanual.pdfPDF file created using MS-Word ("Save As PDF or XPS").

This document has been converted to the following formats using XMLmind Word To XML.

HTML + CSS Single-page HTMLStyled HTML (XHTML+CSS)manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -o xhtml_css manual.docx manual.html
manual_restyled.htmlSame as above, but styled using a custom CSS.
Semantic XHTML 1.0 Strictmanual_strict.xhtmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -o xhtml_strict manual.docx manual_strict.xhtml
Semantic XHTML 1.0 Transitionalmanual_loose.xhtmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p "" \
  -o xhtml_loose manual.docx manual_loose.xhtml
Semantic XHTML 1.1manual_1_1.xhtmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -o xhtml1_1 manual.docx manual_1_1.xhtml
Semantic XHTML 5manual_5.xhtmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -o xhtml5 manual.docx manual_5.xhtml
HTML + CSS Multi-page HTMLMulti-page styled HTMLframeset/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p split.split-before-level 1 \
  -p split.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -o frameset manual.docx frameset/manual.html
frameset2/manual.htmlSame as above, but styled using a custom CSS.
Multi-page semantic XHTML 1.0 Strictframeset_strict/manual.xhtmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p split.split-before-level 1 \
  -p split.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -o frameset_strict manual.docx frameset_strict/manual.xhtml
Multi-page semantic XHTML 1.0 Transitionalframeset_loose/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p split.split-before-level 1 \
  -p split.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -pu edit.finish-styles.custom-styles-url-or-file customize/xmlmind.css \
  -o frameset_loose manual.docx frameset_loose/manual.html

(Notice how manual.html is given a “corporate style” using xmlmind.css.)

Multi-page semantic XHTML 1.1frameset1_1/manual.xhtmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p split.split-before-level 2 \
  -p split.use-id-as-filename no \
  -o frameset1_1 manual.docx frameset1_1/manual.xhtml
Multi-page semantic XHTML 5frameset5/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p split.split-before-level 1 \
  -p split.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -pu edit.finish-styles.custom-styles-url-or-file customize/xmlmind.css \
  -o frameset5 manual.docx frameset5/manual.html

(Notice how manual.html is given a “corporate style” using xmlmind.css.)

HTML + CSS Web HelpWeb Help containing styled HTMLwebhelp/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p webhelp.split-before-level 1 \
  -p webhelp.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -o webhelp manual.docx webhelp/manual.html
webhelp2/manual.htmlSame as above, but styled using a custom CSS.
Web Help containing semantic XHTML 1.0 Strictwebhelp_strict/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p webhelp.split-before-level 1 \
  -p webhelp.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -o webhelp_strict manual.docx webhelp_strict/manual.html
Web Help containing semantic XHTML 1.0 Transitionalwebhelp_loose/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p webhelp.split-before-level 1 \
  -p webhelp.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -p webhelp.omit-toc-root yes \
  -p webhelp.wh-layout corporate \
  -pu edit.finish-styles.custom-styles-url-or-file customize/xmlmind.css \
  -o webhelp_loose manual.docx webhelp_loose/manual.html

(Notice how manual.html is given a “corporate style” using a "corporate" layout and xmlmind.css.)

Web Help containing semantic XHTML 1.1webhelp1_1/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p webhelp.split-before-level 2 \
  -p webhelp.use-id-as-filename no \
  -o webhelp1_1 manual.docx webhelp1_1/manual.html
Web Help containing semantic XHTML 5webhelp5/manual.htmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p webhelp.split-before-level 1 \
  -p webhelp.use-id-as-filename yes \
  -p webhelp.omit-toc-root yes \
  -p webhelp.wh-layout simple \
  -pu edit.finish-styles.custom-styles-url-or-file customize/xmlmind.css \
  -o webhelp5 manual.docx webhelp5/manual.html

(Notice how manual.html is given a “corporate style” using a "simple" layout and xmlmind.css.)

EPUB EPUBEPUB containing styled XHTML 1.1manual.epubGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -pu epub.cover-image-url-or-file manual-cover.png \
  -p epub.split-before-level 1 \
  -o epub manual.docx manual.epub
manual2.epubSame as above, but styled using a custom CSS.
EPUB containing semantic XHTML 1.1epub1_1/manual.epubGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -pu epub.cover-image-url-or-file manual-cover.png \
  -p epub.split-before-level 1 \
  -pu edit.finish-styles.custom-styles-url-or-file customize/xmlmind.css \
  -o epub1_1 manual.docx epub1_1/manual.epub

(Notice how manual.epub is given a “corporate style” using xmlmind.css.)

DITA topic DITADITA topicmanual_topic.ditaGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p transform.root-topic-id manual \
  -o topic manual.docx manual_topic.dita
DITA mapmanual_map.zipGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p transform.root-topic-id manual \
  -p transform2.topic-path manual_map_topics \
  -p transform2.section-depth 6 \
  -o map manual.docx out/manual_map.ditamap
DITA bookmapmanual_bookmap.zipGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p transform.root-topic-id manual \
  -p transform2.topic-path manual_bookmap_topics \
  -p transform2.section-depth 6 \
  -o bookmap manual.docx out/manual_bookmap.ditamap
DocBook 4 DocBookDocBook 4 (containing CALS tables)manual_dbk4.xmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] -p convert.set-column-number yes \
  -p transform.cals-tables yes \
  -o docbook manual.docx manual_dbk4.xml
DocBook 5 (containing CALS tables)manual_dbk5.xmlGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] common_docbook_options \
  -o docbook5 manual.docx manual_dbk5.xml
DocBook 5.1 assembly (containing CALS tables)manual_assembly.zipGenerated out of manual.docx using:
w2x […] common_docbook_options \
  -p transform2.topic-path manual_assembly_topics \
  -p transform2.section-depth 2 \
  -o assembly manual.docx out/manual_assembly.xml

[…] Supplemental options have been used to obtain the best possible output file. The exact w2x command-lines which have been used to generate the above files are found in manual/ and manual/conv_manual.bat. The customizations being used in these scripts are all explained in Customizing the output of w2x.
The XED scripting language
This document contains the reference manual of XED, a very small, very simple scripting language based on XPath 1.0. A XED script allows to modify in place an XHTML document. PDF PDF.
w2x-app - Online Help
This document contains the online help of w2x-app, a graphical application which is easier to use than the w2x command-line utility. PDF PDF.
XMLmind Word To XML Java™ API
Documentation generated using Javadoc™. (XMLmind Word To XML has been designed in order to be easily embedded in any JavaTM, desktop or server-side, application.)
Note that XMLmind Word To XML shares its the utility classes and its XML DOM with XMLmind XML Editor. Therefore you may need to refer to Package com.xmlmind.util, Package com.xmlmind.xml.doc, Package com.xmlmind.xml.xpath and Package com.xmlmind.xml.xed.

İ 2017-2024 XMLmind Software. Updated on 2024/9/16.
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