XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
|Convert icons
Convert to PDF iconConvert to RTF (Word 2000+) iconConvert to WordprocessingML (Word 2003+) iconConvert to Office Open XML (.docx, Word 2007+) iconConvert to OpenDocument (.odt, OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+) icon

Change history

Version 6.5.0 (December 27, 2024)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: Java™ Edition only, SVG and MathML not supported by .NET Edition.
    • DOCX output format: new option docx.keepSVG, which is true by default, instructs the engine to keep both input SVG graphics (found in either in fo:external-graphic or in fo:instream-foreign-object) and their conversions to PNG in the DOCX output file.

      Recent versions of MS-Word, which support SVG, will display the SVG graphics found in the DOCX output file rather than their conversions to PNG. Older versions of MS-Word will simply ignore the SVG graphics found in the DOCX output file and will display their conversions to PNG.

    • ODT ouput format: By default, input MathML elements (found in either in fo:external-graphic or in fo:instream-foreign-object) are now converted to SVG rather than PNG.

      If you want to prevent this to happen, please specify option alwaysSaveAsPNG=true (convert both JPEG and SVG to PNG) or alwaysSaveAsPNG=svg (convert SVG only, not JPEG, to PNG).

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported
    • on Java™ 23 platforms,
    • on macOS Sequoia (version 15) running on Intel® or Apple® Silicon processors.

Version 6.4.3 (July 29, 2024)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
    • Updated FlatLaf to version 3.4.1. (On Linux, the FlatLaf light theme is used as the default Look & Feel of XMLmind XSL Utility.)
    • Upgraded Saxon to version 12.5.
    • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.15.1.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility, started as a desktop application, now accepts the file to be converted as a command-line argument. Linux example:
    /opt$ xslutil-6_4_3/bin/xslutil userguide/doc.ditamap &

    In such case, when the file extension of the input file is well known (dita, ditamap, html, xhtml, fo, etc), the corresponding conversion to DOCX is automatically selected as well as an output file having the same name and directory as the input file, but with a "docx" extension. In the case of the above example, the "ditaToDocx" conversion is automatically selected with a "userguide/doc.docx" output file.

  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 22 platforms.

Bug fixes:

  • Converting an XML file not having a fo:root as its root element caused the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine to raise a NullPointerException. Now, in such case, the XFC engine raises a SAXException with a meaningful error message.
  • RTF, WML, DOCX output formats: there was no way to position the page header (resp. page footer) as close as possible to the upper (resp. lower) bound of the page by setting fo:simple-page-master/@margin-top (resp. fo:simple-page-master/@margin-bottom) to 0.

Version 6.4.2 (February 29, 2024)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported
    • on Java™ 21 platforms,
    • on macOS Sonoma (version 14) running on Intel® or Apple® Silicon processors.

Version 6.4.1 (July 24, 2023)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 20 platforms.

Version 6.4 (January 23, 2023)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: non-standard extension of XSL-FO property text-decoration. In addition to the decoration type (underline, overline, line-through, etc), it's now possible to specify the color, style (solid, double, dotted, dashed, wavy) and thickness of the text decoration. The syntax used for extended simple properties is identical to the syntax of CSS3 property text-decoration.

    Actual support of the “simple properties” comprising text-decoration by the RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT output formats varies, but this was already the case for the decoration type (e.g. overline not supported by RTF, WML, DOCX). More information in "Non-standard extension of XSL-FO property text-decoration".

  • XMLmind XSL Utility:
    • Added useful options "Use default viewer" and "Use text editor" to the "Helper Application Editor" dialog box and to its simplified variant, the "Helper Application Not Found" dialog box.
    • Updated FlatLaf to version 2.6. (On Linux, the FlatLaf light theme is used as the default Look & Feel of XMLmind XSL Utility.)
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 19 platforms and on macOS Ventura (version 13.x).

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: when converting DocBook documents to RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT and PDF, images pointing to "data:" URLs were not rendered.
  • XMLmind XSL Server: the user interface was garbled when very long progress messages (such as messages containing "data:" URLs) were printed during a document conversion.

Version 6.3.3 (August 2, 2022)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 18 platforms.

Version 6.3.2 (January 21, 2022)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility:
    • The location and size of the application is now persistent across conversion sessions.
    • Unless the "Use the native file chooser" preference has been enabled (which is not the case by default), the size of the file chooser dialog box is now persistent across conversion sessions.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported
    • on Java™ 17 platforms;
    • on macOS Monterey (version 12.0), including on Macs having an Apple® M1 (ARM®) processor;
    • on Windows 11.

    Limitations when using XMLmind XSL Utility on a Mac having an Apple® M1 (ARM®) processor:

    • JavaFX WebView crashes Java™ (bug JDK-8276991), hence it has been disabled on this platform. As a consequence, this desktop application features a rudimentary online help system.


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: converting a DITA document to Java™ Help is no longer supported. Rationale: Java™ Help is an obsolete format. The Java™ Swing component used to render it on screen gives poor results and is not maintained.

Version 6.3.1 (February 23, 2021)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • XMLmind XSL Server: added servlet parameter "idXSLTParameterName" for security reasons. This new servlet parameter contains a regular expression matching XSLT parameter names specifying which XSLT parameters are to be checked by XMLmind XSL Server as having values containing syntactically correct XML or HTML IDs.

    The sample web.xml file contained in shipped xslsrv.war specifies "root\-?id" because XSLT parameter "rootid" is implemented by the DocBook XSL Stylesheets and XSLT parameter "root-id" is implemented by the XHTML XSL Stylesheets.

  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 15 platforms.
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on macOS Big Sur (version 11.0), except on Macs having an Apple M1 (ARM-based) processor. Macs having an Apple M1 will be officially supported by XMLmind Software as soon as both a “native” OpenJDK is available for this platform.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine, RTF, WML and DOCX output formats: starting from MS-Word 2019+, adjacent paragraphs having the same background color and also some extra space between their text lines looked like a sequence of “stripes”.

    In previous versions of MS-Word, these adjacent paragraphs used to look like a single block having specified background color. Is this a change in the behavior of MS-Word starting from version 2019 or is it a bug? We don't know. Anyway, this change had unwanted consequences.

    This bug was caused by the fact that XSL-FO property line-height was always translated to RTF, WML and DOCX as some space between lines having at least a value specified in points. Now, when property line-height is specified as a relative value (e.g."1.2", "120%", "1.2em", "3ex"), it is translated to a multiple of the "Single" line spacing, which seems to fix the bug. Of course, when property line-height is specified as an absolute value (e.g."14pt", "16px"), the bug is still there.

  • XMLmind XSL Utility: when specifying the conversion of an XHTML page, option "Use this CSS stylesheet" did not work.

Possible incompatibilities:

  • As explained above, XSL-FO property line-height is translated to RTF, WML and DOCX differently than in previous versions of the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine. Therefore documents created using this version may look slightly different in terms of text line spacing when opened in MS-Word.

Version 6.3 (August 28, 2020)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine:
    • It is now possible to add metadata (e.g. the usual author, title, date, etc, but also custom metadata) to the documents created by XFC. (This is XFC equivalent of MS-Word "File|Info|Properties, Advanced Properties".) More information here.
    • It is now possible to control the type of changes which can be made to the documents created by XFC. (This is XFC equivalent of MS-Word "File|Info|Protect Document, Restrict Editing".) For example, XFC can now generate a DOCX file which cannot be modified at all, unless the user types a password. This feature is fully supported only for the DOCX output format. Other output formats have limitations. More information here.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility: on Linux, FlatLaf and its light theme (called "FlatLight") is now used as the default Look & Feel. This is needed because on Linux, the “system” Look & Feel (called "Metal") looks rather outdated.

    If, for any reason, you prefer to use the “system” Look & Feel, please start xslutil by running

    xslutil -putpref lookAndFeelClassName fallback

    This setting is done once for all. If after doing that, you finally prefer to revert to FlatLaf, simply run

    xslutil -delpref lookAndFeelClassName
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the following software components:
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 14 platforms.

Version 6.2 (February 28, 2020)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: element fo:block-container with a reference-orientation attribute equal to 90, 270, -90 or -270 may be used to temporarily switch the page orientation from portrait to landscape. This feature is typically used to help MS-Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice display a wide table or a wide figure. More information here.
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine for .NET: upgraded the .NET implementation of the Java™ runtime needed to run XMLmind XSL-FO Converter to IKVM.NET 8.1.5717.0 (which corresponds to Java 1.8.0_45).
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Converting a DocBook document to any XSL-FO based output format now generates PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT files hopefully looking better than before. This is implemented by changing the default values of a large number of DocBook XSL Stylesheets parameters and attribute sets.
    • Upgraded the following software components:
      • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.7.1. This new version supports <table orient="land">.
      • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.0.1. The Web Help generated by whc v3 gets a fresh new look. Moreover:
        • It is now “responsive” by default, that is, it adapts its layout to the size of the screen (e.g. it can adapt to the screen of a smartphone in portrait mode). This feature is controlled by new parameter wh-responsive-ui.
        • It does not leverage jQuery UI anymore (only jQuery now). However some new parameters (e.g. wh---navigation-background-color="#F6F8FA") may be used to override most fonts and colors used in the generated Web Help.
        • New parameter wh-ui-language may be used to specify the language used by the messages of the generated Web Help (tab labels, button tool tips, etc). The default is to use the language of the Web browser.
      • Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.9.
      • Upgraded Saxon to version
      • Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.12.
      • Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.4.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility: added a "Use the native file chooser in preference to the multi-platform file chooser" option to the Preferences dialog, in the General section. This option is turned off by default because file extension filters are not supported when the native file chooser is invoked by Java™.
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on Java™ 13 platforms and on macOS Catalina (version 10.15).

Bug fixes:

  • Setting shorthand properties to an invalid value (e.g. vertical-align="center" instead of vertical-align="middle", vertical-align being a CSS shorthand mapping to XSL properties alignment-baseline, alignment-adjust, baseline-shift, dominant-baseline) could cause the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine to raise a NullPointerException.
  • Apache FOP options: the "Choose a TTF font and specify its aliases" dialog box picked the localized font family name (e.g. "BIZ UD明朝 Medium") rather the normal font family name ("BIZ UDMincho Medium"). This bug caused FOP to report a fatal error (e.g. BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc: Name does not exist in the TrueType collection: BIZ UD明朝 Medium) when converting an XML document to PDF.


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: when converting a DocBook document to any XSL-FO based output format (PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT), the generated file may look different than in previous versions. For example, when generating PDF, the default values of parameters and admon.textlabel are:, admon.textlabel=0. In previous versions, the default values of these parameters were:, admon.textlabel=1.
  • A Java™ 1.6+ runtime is still sufficient to run the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine, Java Edition. However a Java™ 1.8+ runtime is now required if you need SVG and MathML support.

Version 6.1 (July 8, 2019)


  • ODT output format: due to some limitations of the ODT output format, border and padding attributes were not supported for a fo:inline element. They are now, but only if you use LibreOffice v5+ (does not work with OpenOffice) to open the file created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
  • Improved the behavior of XFC when the font-family property contains a list of several font families (e.g. font-family= "'FF Trixie', 'Andale Mono',monospace"). See "About the font-family property".
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • When converting an (X)HTML file styled using a CSS stylesheet, the media used when loading the CSS rules are now "print" and FO_processor_name (that is, "FOP", "XEP" or "XFC").
    • Upgraded the following components:
      • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.6.

        This version gives even more control over the numbering of ordered lists. Specifying inheritnum in the outputclass attribute of an ordered list now causes the list item numbering to inherit from outer-level ordered lists. For example, using this feature (e.g. <ol outputclass="upper-alpha inheritnum">), the items of a list nested at level 2 are labelled "1.A.", "1.B.", "1.C.", etc.

      • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 2.3.
      • Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.7_01.
      • Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.11.
      • Upgraded Saxon to version

Bug fixes:

  • ODT output format: alternating lists inheriting the numbering (example: xfc:label-format="%{upper-alpha;inherit})") and lists not inheriting the numbering (example: xfc:label-format="%{lower-alpha})") within the same top level ordered list caused the conversion to fail after reporting an internal error.
  • The online help browser of xslutil displayed a blank window when the computer running xslutil was not connected to the Internet.


  • A Java™ 1.6+ runtime is now required to run the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine, Java Edition. A Java™ 1.8+ runtime is now required to run XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server. Both Oracle Java and OpenJDK are now officially supported.
  • File ext/lib/jai_imageio.jar, which added support for the TIFF and PNM image file formats, is not bundled with the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine anymore. If you need XFC to support the TIFF image file format, simple use a Java™ 11+ runtime.

Version 6.0 (October 29, 2018)


  • Extension attribute xfc:label-format has now an "inherit" parameter. Example: xfc:label-format="%{lower-alpha;inherit})". Setting the "inherit" parameter specifies that a numbered fo:list-block “inherits” the numbering of its ancestor numbered fo:list-blocks. In other words, this parameter may be used to implement what is often called multi-level numbering (e.g. 1.A.a.)

    More information in "The xfc:label-format extension attribute".

  • Extension attribute xfc:render-as-table may be used as a quick and easy workaround for one of the most annoying limitations of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter: a fo:block having a border and/or background color and containing several other blocks, lists or tables is very poorly rendered in RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT. (Such container fo:blocks are quite commonly used, for example, to represent complex notes, admonitions or sidebars.)

    The reason of this limitation is due to the fact that the RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT output formats can —to make it simple— only contain a “flat” sequence of styled paragraphs and tables.


    <fo:block margin="0.5em 2em" padding="1em 4em"
      border="1px solid #800000" background="#FFF0F0"
      <fo:block space-before="0.5em" space-after="0.5em">First paragraph.</fo:block>
      <fo:block space-before="0.5em" space-after="0.5em">Second paragraph.</fo:block>
      <fo:block space-before="0.5em" space-after="0.5em">Third paragraph.</fo:block>

    A fo:block having attribute xfc:render-as-table="true" is automatically converted to an equivalent fo:table by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.

    More information in "The xfc:render-as-table extension attribute".

  • The two above extension attributes are showcased in new article "How to adapt your existing XSLT stylesheet to the specificities of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter" (PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT).
  • RTF, WML, DOCX output formats: the empty placeholder paragraph contained in an empty table cell now inherits its font and text color from its ancestors. In previous versions of XFC, this placeholder always used the default font (e.g. Calibri 11pt) and the default text color.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Modified the DocBook XSL stylesheets so they use the two new extension attributes:
      • Attribute xfc:label-format is used to create proper RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT ordered lists, including nested ordered lists which inherit their numberings from their ordered list ancestors (that is, support for DocBook orderedlist/@inheritnum="inherit").
      • Attribute xfc:render-as-table is used to render notes and sidebars. This attribute enables a workaround for a limitation of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter: a fo:block having a border and/or background color and containing several other blocks, lists or tables is very poorly rendered in RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT.
    • Upgraded the following components:
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 10 and Java™ 11 platforms.

    Java 10 and 11 regression [JDK-8211422]

    For some PNG images,

    • Apache FOP reports error "I/O error while extracting image metadata: Error reading PNG metadata" and fails to render the PNG image.
    • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter reports warning "cannot get the resolution of image 'file:/tmp/XXX.png': Error reading PNG metadata" and renders the image using default image resolution (96dpi; may be changed using option -imageResolution=DPI or option /r DPI).

    For now, the only workaround for this bug is to open the faulty PNG image in an image editor (e.g. GIMP) and to re-export it as PNG under the same filename.

  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on macOS Mojave (version 10.14).

Bug fixes:

  • DOCX output format only: a table contained in a list itself contained in a table often had incorrect left and right margins (the left and right padding of first table cell were added to the left and right margins of the table).
  • DOCX output format only: MS-Word failed to load files where a list was the last child of a table cell, when the last item of this list was a nested table.
  • “Bare URLs” specified as in the following example: <fo:external-graphic src="   "/> were not trimmed before being parsed. (The recommended way to specify an URL being: <fo:external-graphic src="url("/>.)
  • Forgot to document the xfc:restart-numbering extension attribute, which is very useful when using named paragraph styles to create numbered lists.


  • The alternative implementation of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine for .NET, leveraging the obsolete Visual J# runtime has been discontinued.
  • Graphical application controlapp which allowed to stop, configure or reconfigure and start or restart both the bundled Jetty Servlet Container and the XMLmind XSL Server WebApp has been discontinued. XMLmind XSL Server is now available only as standard, ready to deploy, xslsrv.war.

Version 5.5 (March 27, 2018)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 9 platforms.
  • Added command-line option -docx.variant=MS-Word_major_version [ strict ]?. Examples: -docx.variant=14, -docx.variant=15strict. (Corresponding option for the .NET version is: /variant.)

    This option may be used to mark generated DOCX files as being compatible with MS-Word having specified major version. Any major version other than 14 (MS-Word 2010), 15 (MS-Word 2013), 16 (MS-Word 2016) is currently ignored.

    Moreover suffix "strict" (supported only when MS-Word_major_version >= 15) may be used to generate DOCX files marked as being "Strict Open XML".

    Unless this option is used, the generated DOCX files are not marked as being compatible with a specific version of MS-Word.

    Specifying -docx.variant=15 suppresses the "[Compatibility Mode]" text appearing in the title bar of MS-Word 2013 and 2016.

    Note that specifying -docx.variant=15 does not prevent the generated DOCX file from being opened in MS-Word 2007 and 2010. However specifying -docx.variant=15strict generates "Strict Open XML" files which are not supported by MS-Word 2007 and 2010.

  • Changed the technology used to implement the context-sensitive online help from obsolete JavaHelp to a dedicated, embedded Web browser displaying Web Help.

    if the Java™ runtime used to run xslutil is older than version 1.8.0_40, the system Web browser rather than the dedicated, embedded Web browser is used to display the Web Help, which is much less convenient for the user.

  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:

Bug fixes:

  • Converting a DocBook document with the draft mode turned on relied on downloading Now XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server use a local copy of this graphics file.
  • XMLmind XSL Server: converting a document whose location is an URL having a fragment identifier (e.g. ending with #foo) caused the conversion to fail with the following error: Error: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Base URI {...} contains a fragment identifier.


  • In order to make it compatible with Java™ 9, new ext/lib/jai_imageio.jar no longer supports the JPEG 2000 image file format.

Version 5.4.6 (October 23, 2017)

Please do not use newest Java 9 to run the programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. XMLmind XSL-FO Converter has not yet been tested against this version of Java.


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server can now be used to convert DocBook v5.1 assemblies to PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX and ODT.
  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.2.1.

      This version of ditac itself includes XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) version 2.0, which supports 2 layouts for the generated Web Help: classic, the default layout and simple, a new layout. If you want to give it a try, set XSLT stylesheet parameter "wh-layout" to "simple".

    • Upgraded Saxon to version
  • All programs which are part of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter are now officially supported on macOS High Sierra (version 10.13).

Bug fixes:

  • WML, DOCX output formats: the amount of space between the text of a paragraph and a visible border of a paragraph may not exceed 31pt. This undocumented limit was not enforced by XFC which caused MS-Word to reset this space to 4pt.

Version 5.4.5 (June 21, 2017)


  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:

Other changes:

  • Changed "Licensor" from "Pixware SARL" to "XMLmind Software" in all licenses.

Version 5.4.4 (April 26, 2017)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: user request: command-line option -detectLists=false (.NET equivalent /nolist) may be used to stop XFC from creating proper lists by inferring the numbering style of the list from the label of its first item.

    Note that even when this option is used, it's still possible to instruct XFC to create proper lists by specifying extension attribute xfc:label-format in the XSL-FO input file.

  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:

Bug fixes:

  • RTF, WML, DOCX output formats: an East Asian language specification (e.g. xml:lang="ja-JP") was converted as if it was a western language specification.

    Note that for East Asian language detection by MS-Word to work on a Windows computer having a Western locale,

    • you must select "Region and Language Options" from Windows Control Panel and check "Install files for East Asian languages";
    • you may have to use a font having East Asian glyphs (e.g. "MS Gothic") for the text runs containing East Asian characters.
  • ODT output format: the country part of an East Asian language specification (e.g. "JP" in xml:lang="ja-JP") was not correctly converted.

Version 5.4.3 (December 05, 2016)


  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.21.v20160908. (Requires a Java™ runtime 1.7+.)
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine, ODT output format only: by default, SVG graphics referenced or embedded in the input XSL-FO file are simply copied to the output ODT file. In previous versions, these SVG graphics were converted to PNG.

    Note that some old versions of OpenOffice/LibreOffice do not support SVG graphics in ODT documents (though this is explicitly recommended even in “ancient” OpenDocument 1.0 specification). If you want to also support these old versions of OpenOffice/LibreOffice, you must pass parameter alwaysSaveAsPNG=svg to the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine. More information about conversion parameter alwaysSaveAsPNG in the Incompatibilities section below.

    Note that this new feature applies only to XMLmind XSL-FO Converter for Java™ and not to XMLmind XSL-FO Converter for .NET which does not support SVG graphics at all.

Bug fixes:

  • Conversion parameter set.SVG.resolution had an effect on the resolution of the output PNG image but not on its size in pixels. For example, set.SVG.resolution=96 created a PNG image having a resolution of 96dpi and a size of 400x200px (which is correct), but set.SVG.resolution=192 created a PNG image having a resolution of 192dpi and a size of 400x200px, (which is incorrect; the expected size being 800x400px).


  • Conversion parameter alwaysSaveAsPNG now accepts two new values in addition to true and false: jpeg and svg.
    falseDo not convert input JPEG and SVG graphics to PNG in the output file. Default value for the ODT output format.
    trueConvert input JPEG and SVG graphics to PNG in the output file.
    jpegConvert input JPEG graphics (not SVG graphics) to PNG in the output file.
    svgConvert input SVG graphics (not JPEG graphics) to PNG in the output file. Default value for the RTF, WML and DOCX output formats, which anyway cannot contain SVG graphics.

    Parameter alwaysSaveAsPNG=false in previous versions of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter is equivalent now to alwaysSaveAsPNG=svg.

Version 5.4.2 (September 12, 2016)


  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.20.v20160902. Note that this version of Jetty requires a Java™ runtime 1.7+. It does not work using a Java™ runtime 1.6.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: by default, navigation headers and footers are suppressed when converting DocBook to Web Help or EPUB. The bug was that there was no way to restore them. These navigation headers and footers can now be restored using XSLT stylesheet parameter suppress.navigation=0.

Version 5.4.1 (April 21, 2016)


Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility: added a workaround for an Apple Java bug which possibly caused any scrolled window to become garbled when scrolling quickly. This bug seems to be specific to Apple Java and to non-Retina Macs running El Capitan.
  • A regression caused XMLmind XSL Server to fail on a headless server. (X)HTML conversions raised the following exception: java.awt.HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.

Version 5.4 (December 10, 2015)

New implementation of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter for .NET

The new implementation no longer requires installing Microsoft Visual J#® 2.0 Redistributable Package on the computer used to run XMLmind XSL-FO Converter for .NET. This new implementation just requires a .NET 4.0+ framework on Windows or Mono 3.8+ on Linux.

The old implementation which depends on the Microsoft Visual J# runtime and which works using a .NET 2.0+ framework is still available, but should be discontinued in the future.

Other enhancements:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • XMLmind XSL Utility and controlapp (desktop application allowing to easily configure and control XMLmind XSL server) now works fine on computers having very high resolution (HiDPI) screens. For example, it now works fine on a Mac having a Retina® screen and a Windows computer having an UHD (“4K”) screen. On Windows, all DPI scale factors —100%, 125%, 150%, 200%, etc— are supported.

      On a Linux computer having a HiDPI screen, HiDPI is not automatically detected. You'll have to to specify the display scaling factor you prefer using a command-line option. Examples:

      xslutil -putpref displayScaling 200
      controlapp -displayScaling 200
    • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 2.5.7.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility is now available as a Mac OS X native .dmg distribution including a private Java™ 1.8.0_66 runtime.
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter is now officially supported on Windows 10 and on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine, .NET edition only: some significant whitespace was discarded when parsing the input XSL-FO file.

Version 5.3 (July 31, 2015)


  • It's now possible to add a watermark to the pages generated by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. This is done the way which is supported by all the other XSL-FO processors, that is, by setting the background-image property of fo:region-body.
  • WML format only: identical images are no longer duplicated in the generated file. This was already the case for the ODT and DOCX formats. This is not yet the case for the RTF format.
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine, XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.8.

      As a consequence, SVG and MathML support in XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine now requires using Java 1.6+.

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.17.v20150415.

Bug fixes:

  • RTF format only: the backslash character ("\") was rendered as a Yen symbol ("Ą") by some versions of MS-Word.
  • Shorthand properties containing values themselves containing whitespace didn't parse correctly. For example, the following shorthand properties didn't parse correctly: font="10pt 'Times New Roman'", border-color="rgb(219, 219, 219)".
  • XMLmind XSL Server: failed to convert uploaded files having non-ASCII characters in their filenames.

Version 5.2 (February 16, 2015)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XFC is now officially supported on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.9 (Mavericks) and 10.8 (Mountain Lion).

Bug fixes:

  • Named paragraph styles, all output formats: in the following use case:
    <fo:block break-before="page"/>
    <fo:block xfc:user-style="Heading 3">Heading 3</fo:block>

    the empty fo:block used to specify a page break was ignored. That is, the block having named style "Heading 3" was not preceded by a page break.

  • Java™ Edition only: failing to read the resolution from an image file (i.e. because the image metadata is inconsistent or in a form which is not supported by the Java runtime) caused the image not to be rendered at all. Now XFC fallbacks to the default image resolution (96DPI), then XFC proceeds to render such images.
  • HTTP header "Content-Type: image/jpg" was not considered to be equivalent to "Content-Type: image/jpeg". Such HTTP headers are used by XFC when a fo:external-graphic element references a remote graphic file having no file extension and when attribute content-type is not specified.

Version 5.1 (September 18, 2014)


  • DOCX and OTD formats only: duplicate images referenced in the source XSL-FO are now stored once in the DOCX or ODT output file. Not only this reduces the size of the output file, but this also reduces XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) processing time. This feature is especially useful when converting DITA or DocBook documents to DOCX or ODT. Such documents generally make use of a large number of admonition icons (e.g. note.svg, tip.svg, warning.svg).
  • Java version only: by default, SVG graphics are now rasterized at 192DPI. In previous versions of XFC, the resolution used for that was 96DPI. By default, MathML equations are now rasterized at 288DPI. In previous versions of XFC, the resolution used for that was 144DPI.

    These defaults can be changed by using new properties allowing to parameterize the graphic factories handling SVG graphics and MathML equations. For example, the following properties may be used to restore the defaults used by previous versions of XFC: set.svg.resolution=96, set.mathml.resolution=144.

  • When a fo:external-graphic element references a graphic file having no file extension and when attribute content-type is not specified, XFC now uses the Content-Type header returned by the HTTP server to determine the format of the graphic file. Example of such fo:external-graphic:
  • Property genericFontFamilies may be used to map the generic font families (e.g. sans-serif) to actual font families (e.g. Calibri). Font family "Arial Unicode MS" gets now a special treatment:

    Font family "Arial Unicode MS" is often used to render east asian (CJK) text. However, this typeface has no bold, italic and bold+italic fonts. That's why specifying "sans-serif=Arial Unicode MS" is equivalent to specifying "sans-serif=Arial", except that some special instructions are inserted in the output file to specify that typeface Arial is to be used to render western text and "Arial Unicode MS" is to used to render east asian text.

    This specificity is supported by the ODT, WML and DOCX output formats, but not by the RTF output format.

  • Java version: added -Djava.awt.headless=true to all the command-line executables, fo2docx, fo2odt, etc, found in XFC_install_dir/bin/.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.16.v20140903.

Bug fixes:

  • DOCX only: an empty fo:list-item-label caused the list item to have an incorrect first line indent in the DOCX output file. Example of empty fo:list-item-label:
      <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
      <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
        <fo:block>List item here.</fo:block>


  • As of v5.1, by default, images are not prescaled. In previous versions of XFC, by default, images were prescaled to minimize output document size.
  • .NET version only: the /p (do not prescale images) command-line option is ignored as it now specifies the default behavior of XFC. If, on the contrary, you need to prescale images, please use new command-line /pi (prescale images).

Version 5.0 (February 17, 2014)

XMLmind XSL-FO Converter now allows to generate RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML (.docx) and OpenOffice (.odt) files where most of the text formatting is achieved using named paragraph styles ("Normal", "Heading 1", "Heading 2", etc) and named character styles ("Strong", "Emphasis", etc).

Moreover, a named paragraph style may reference a named numbering scheme (also known as a “list style”). This allows to implement numbered headings and advanced —multilevel— lists purely by using named paragraph styles.

The main benefits of generating named styles are for the end-user of the word processor files:

  • Thanks to the names of the styles, the document, when opened in MS-Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice, looks familiar and its organization is easier to understand.
  • After a change, the numbering of headings and list items is automatically updated by the word processor.
  • The formatting of the document is a snap to modify using the various style editors included in the word processor.

More information in "XSL-FO extension for generating named styles".

Other enhancements:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility: the font list contained in the FOP and XEP preferences sheets (Options|Preferences, Add-on section, FOP and XEP sub-sections) now supports dropping one or more .ttf (TrueType Font) or .ttc (TrueType Font Collection) files.

    This change was needed because on Windows, for permissions reasons, there is no way to pick a font file from the "C:\Windows\Fonts\" folder using the standard file chooser (whether the native or the Java™ one). Therefore the only way to register with Apache FOP or RenderX XEP a font found in "C:\Windows\Fonts\" is to drag its file from the Windows file manager and to drop it onto the list.

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 2.5.1.

Bug fixes:

  • .NET edition only: in some cases, some significant whitespace was discarded from the input XSL-FO file. Example:

    caused XFC .NET Edition to generate a paragraph containing "ABC", the expected value being a paragraph containing "A B C".

Version 4.8.3 (November 13, 2013)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 2.5.0_01. More information here.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility: the font list contained in the FOP and XEP preferences sheets (Preferences, XSL-FO Processor section, FOP and XEP sub-sections) now supports dropping one or more .ttf (TrueType Font) or .ttc (TrueType Font Collection) files.

    This change was needed because on Windows, for permissions reasons, there is no way to pick a font file from the "C:\Windows\Fonts\" folder using the standard file chooser (whether the native or the Java™ one). Therefore the only way to register with Apache FOP or RenderX XEP a font found in "C:\Windows\Fonts\" is to drag its file from the Windows file manager and to drop it onto the list.

  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.14.v20131031.

Version 4.8.2 (August 2, 2013)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: added support for the orphans and widows XSL-FO properties.

    Remember that Window/Orphan control is turned on by default, as the initial value of the orphans and widows properties is 2.

    Also note that for MS-Word, Window/Orphan control is an all or nothing option. Therefore if you set attribute orphans or attribute widows to 1, Window and Orphan control will be turned off. If, on the contrary, you set attribute orphans or attribute widows to any value greater or equal than 2, Window and Orphan control will be turned on.

    Unlike MS-Word, OpenOffice/LibreOffice fully supports the orphans and widows XSL-FO properties.

  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 2.4.2_01. This version allows to control the numbering of ordered lists by the means of the outputclass attribute of the ol element. More information here. This version also allows to generate self-contained Web Help. More information here.
    • Upgraded the DocBook XSL stylesheets to version 1.78.1.
    • Upgraded Saxon to version
  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.12.v20130726.

Bug fixes:

  • keep-together.within-column was ignored while keep-together.within-page was honored. Now these properties are treated exactly the same (which is the fine because XFC targets word processors). Same bug with keep-with-next and keep-with-previous.


  • Running XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server now requires a JavaTM 1.6+ runtime.

Version 4.8.1 (February 25, 2013)

XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server now allow to convert DITA documents to XHTML5 pages, Web Help containing XHTML5 pages and EPUB3.

In order to add support for the new output formats, the following components were upgraded in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:

The new output formats all support rich media content. A new chapter of the XMLmind DITA Converter Manual, Rich media content, explains how to add SVG, MathML, audio, video, Flash animations and actions (e.g. click some text to play a sound) to your DITA topics. This chapter also explains how this rich media content is processed depending on whether it is supported by the output format.

Version 4.8 (November 23, 2012)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine:
    • <fo:block-container reference-orientation="NNN"> may now be used to rotate the content of a fo:table-cell. More information in "Using fo:block-container to rotate the content of a table cell".
    • Attributes fo:language and fo:country (or equivalently, xml:lang) are now used to add language information to the files created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. This information was absent from the files created by the previous releases. This caused the word processor to believe that the document was entirely written in the default language of the application. More information in "Adding language information to the files created by XFC".
  • XMLmind XSL Utility: removed the Preview tab from the Conversion editor and instead, added a handy Preview checkbox to the main window.
  • XMLmind XSL Server: upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.7.v20120910.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter is now officially supported Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and on Windows 8.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility: the Conversion editor/Transform tab/Revert button now works as expected, even when the user-specified custom XSLT file is not found anymore (e.g. the user deleted it).

Version 4.7 (July 20, 2012)

Personal Edition does not exist anymore. If you want to evaluate XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, you now need to download and install Evaluation Edition.

Note that Evaluation Edition is useless for any purpose other than evaluating XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. This edition generates output containing random duplicate letters. (Of course, this does not happen with Professional Edition!)


  • XMLmind XSL Utility:
    • Conversion editor/Transform tab: new Customize button allows to automatically create a customization of the XSLT stylesheet currently selected. New Edit button (next to the Customize button) invokes a specialized editor called XMLmind XSL Customizer. This editor allows to add parameters and attribute sets to the newly created XSLT customization and this, without prior knowledge of XSL.
    • Conversion editor/DITA tab: the Edit button now invokes the helper application associated to the .ditaval extension (typically an XML editor or a text editor).
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.6.4.v20120524.
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: made URI parsing lenient on Windows.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: fo:external-graphic and fo:instream-foreign-object: when both content-width and content-height attributes were specified, XFC behaved as if scaling="non-uniform" was also specified (which means: scaling need not preserve the aspect ratio). This is incorrect in all cases because the default value of attribute scaling is "uniform" (which means: scaling should preserve the aspect ratio).
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • The XHTML stylesheets were passed parameter foProcessor=XEP when FOP was used to convert an XHTML page to PDF.

Version 4.6.1 (March 23, 2012)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: made XSL-FO parsing less strict:
    • A length other than 0 having no unit (e.g. font-size="12") is now assumed to have an implicit px unit.
    • Unit ex is now supported. For XFC, 2ex = 1em, which is an approximation.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
    • New XSLT 2 stylesheets allow to convert XHTML 1.0, 1.1 and 5.0 documents to PostScript, PDF, RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML (.docx) and OpenOffice (.odt).

      These XSLT 2 stylesheets support a large number of parameters. They make an extensive use of xsl:attribute-sets. Last but not least, by default, CSS styles specified in XHTML style attributes, style and link elements also apply to the XSL-FO file generated by these XSLT 2 stylesheets.

      Note that the XSLT 2 stylesheets for XHTML 1.0, 1.1 and 5.0 developed by XMLmind are open source software licensed under the terms of the MIT license. This means that you may freely use these resources outside XMLmind products. More information in XHTML 5 Resources.

    • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 2.2.
  • XMLmind XSL Server:

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: specifying an unknown named color (e.g. color="foobar") sometimes caused XFC to raise a NullPointerException when converting XSL-FO to RTF or to OpenDocument (.odt).
  • XMLmind XSL Utility: the parameter editor dialog box did not allow to specify a parameter value starting or ending with whitespace (e.g. page-ref-before = " on page ").

Version 4.6 (December 15, 2011)


  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine:
    • New extension attribute xfc:outline-level may be used to mark a fo:block as a heading having the outline level specified by the value of the attribute. The value of this attribute is an integer between 1 and 9 inclusive. Any other value will cause attribute xfc:outline-level to be ignored.

      Specifying outline levels allows to:

      • Use the Document Map and the Outline View in MS-Word. Use the Navigator Window in OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
      • Insert a Table of Contents in a document edited in MS-Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
    • A JPEG image file referenced by the source XSL-FO is now kept in JPEG format in the output file. In the previous releases, such images were systematically transcoded to PNG, which lead to large .rtf, .wml, .docx or .odt files in certain cases.

      If, for any reason, you prefer to keep transcoding JPEG image files to PNG, then specify command-line option -alwaysSaveAsPNG=true (Java) or /png (.NET).

    • Added jai_imageio.jar to ext/lib/. In consequence, when xfc_ext.jar is in the CLASSPATH of the host application, this allows XFC to support the following additional image file formats: TIFF, JPEG 2000 and PNM.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:
  • XMLmind XSL Utility:
    • Added a "Browse Files" button to the dialog box allowing to add or edit an XSLT stylesheet parameter.
  • XMLmind XSL Server:
    • Added the following server parameters: maxRequestSize (default value: 20Mb), maxFileSize (default value: 10Mb), fileSizeThreshold (default value: 16384b). These parameters allows to configure the support of "multipart/form-data" requests. In the previous releases, the corresponding values were hardwired in the code and also way too small (2Mb, 1Mb, 16384b).
    • Upgraded the bundled Jetty 7 to version 7.5.4.v20111024.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine:
    • RTF output only: a table cell containing just an empty block inherited the wrong font size and thus, often caused the overall height of its container row to be too large.
    • Specifying attribute content-type="content-type:image/jpg" on a fo:external-graphic element caused XFC to ignore the JPEG image and to report a "'image/jpg', unsupported graphic format" warning. Now "image/jpg" is considered to be an alias for "image/jpeg".
    • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter for .NET now works with .NET 4+. It does so by automatically invoking XmlMind.FoConverter.FixDotNET4.DoIt. Therefore, in principle, there is nothing special to do in the client code.

      In the unlikely case where automatically invoking FixDotNET4.DoIt poses some problems, please do not hesitate to ask for an xfc.dll which does not contain this workaround (based on P/Invoke).

Version 4.5.0_01 (July 22, 2011)

XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server have been patched in order to integrate XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac) v2.0.4. This release of ditac contains a number of bug fixes.

Version 4.5 (June 3, 2011)


  • OOXML (.docx): images are now represented by DrawingML elements. Previously, images were represented by VML —deprecated— elements. This makes the images nicer to edit in Word 2007+ and this also fixes a bug on the Mac (see below).

    This feature has been tested using the Word application contained in the following Microsoft Office releases: Office 2003 + Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 file formats, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2011 Mac.

    Microsoft Office Word 2007 minor bug

    Microsoft Office Word 2007 has a minor bug in its handling of DrawingML. You are unlikely to encounter this minor bug. However, in order to fix it, you may have to install:

    • The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2). Service Pack 2 provides the latest updates to the 2007 Microsoft Office Suite. This update also applies to Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer, Microsoft Expression Web, Microsoft Office Visio, and Visual Web Developer.
    • Update for Microsoft Office Word 2007 (KB974561). Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office Word 2007. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Office Word 2007. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.

    Doing this brings Word 2007 to SP2 MSO 12.0.6554.5001.

    XFC compatiblity mode

    Generating VML is still possible by setting the docx.useVML property of or Converter to "true". The corresponding command-line option of fo2docx.bat is -docx.useVML=true.

    When using the .NET edition of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, set the UseVML property of UseXmlMind.FoConverter.Converter to true. The corresponding command-line option of fo2docx.exe is /vml.

  • Added support for the following XSL-FO 1.1 property values: scale-down-to-fit, scale-up-to-fit. These are values of properties content-width and content-height. Such properties apply to fo:external-graphic and fo:instream-foreign-object.
  • XFC automatically tries to infer the numbering style from the label of the first list item. When the heuristics used by XFC are insufficient to infer the type of a list, it's now possible to explicitly specify this type by adding an xfc:label-format proprietary attribute to the fo:list-block.

    The syntax of this attribute is:

    label-format -> [ bullet | number ]?
    bullet -> String
    number -> [String]? '%{' format '}' [String]
    format -> 'decimal'|'lower-alpha'|'upper-alpha'|
              'lower-roman'|'upper-roman' [start]?
    start -> ';start=' Positive_Integer

    Examples: xfc:label-format="", xfc:label-format="&#x2192;", xfc:label-format="%{lower-alpha;start=3}.", xfc:label-format="-%{decimal}-".

  • Upgraded the following components in both XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server:

Bug fixes:

  • OOXML (.docx): images were not displayed at all by the Word application contained in Office 2008 Mac and Office 2011 Mac. Replacing VML by DrawingML —see above— fixed this problem.
  • RTF, WML, OOXML (.docx): a border having a "double" style was twice as thick as it should be.
  • The automatic layout of very wide tables was very poor.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility: all stock conversion specifications now pass parameter VALIDATE=false to the RenderX XEP XSL-FO Processor. This is a workaround for XEP bug "renderx #22766". This bug is described in /xmleditor/known_problems.html#platform_independent.

Version 4.4.2 (January 11, 2011)

XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server now allow to convert the most complex DITA 1.2 documents to a variety of formats.

Other enhancements:

Bug fixes:

  • Conversion to WordprocessingML and to Office Open XML (.docx): adding an id attribute to the callout part of a fo:footnote (e.g. <fo:footnote><fo:inline baseline-shift="super" id="fn1">(1)</fo:inline>...) caused MS-Word not to show this footnote.
  • Conversion to Office Open XML (.docx): added a <w:nsid val="XXXXXXXX"/> child element to <w:abstractNum>. Though not required by the standard, some third-party tools seem to expect this child element to be present.
  • XMLmind XSL Server: uploading a file using Internet Explorer didn't work. The error reported was: " The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect".

Version 4.4.1 (September 23, 2010)

XMLmind XSL-FO Converter is now available integrated in XMLmind XSL Server, a powerful, production-quality, Servlet which leverages the XSL technology to allow converting XML documents to a variety of formats.

This new software distribution targets the Web developer (JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, etc) and the system integrator. No prior knowledge of the JavaTM language or the Servlet technology is required to be able to deploy, use, program and customize XMLmind XSL Server.

Other enhancements:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility: added the -p command-line option. This option allows to specify a custom user preferences directory (e.g. other than ~/.xfc). Specifying a custom user preferences directory allows to use XMLmind XSL Utility, a convenient graphical application, to configure the conversions of XMLmind XSL Server. For example, if xslsrv/WEB-INF/web.xml contains:
    then run xslutil -p /etc/xslutil to configure the conversions of XMLmind XSL Server.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL Utility: a change made by XMLmind to the DocBook XSL stylesheets prevented an element such as
    <imagedata fileref="/images?id=ef31" format="GIF"/>

    from being converted to PDF, RTF, etc.

Version 4.4 (April 14, 2010)


  • Out of the box, XMLmind XSL-FO Converter now supports WMF, EMF, BMP (only .NET version and JavaTM 1.5+), TIFF (only .NET version and JavaTM on the Mac) graphics in addition to GIF, JPEG and PNG graphics.
  • Implementing the public, documented, Graphic and GraphicFactory interfaces (IGraphic and IGraphicFactory for the .NET version) allows third-party programmers to add support for even more graphic formats.
  • The XML content of a fo:instream-foreign-object element is now passed to the proper GraphicFactory. For this to work, the fo:instream-foreign-object element must have a content-type attribute containing a media type supported by a registered GraphicFactory.

    Note that content-type ``sniffing'' is implemented only for SVG and MathML and that content-type attributes starting with "namespace-prefix:" are completely ignored.

  • Such GraphicFactories have been implemented for SVG and for MathML.

    SVG support is based on the Batik Open Source Java 1.5+ component.

    MathML support is based on JEuclid Open Source Java 1.5+ component.

    The two aforementioned GraphicFactories are available in both source (XFC_install_dir/ext/src/) and compiled (XFC_install_dir/ext/lib/xfc_ext.jar) forms.

    The script files fo2rtf, fo2rtf.bat, fo2wml, fo2wml.bat, fo2docx, fo2docx.bat, fo2odt, fo2odt.bat have all been modified to detect the case where xfc_ext.jar is available.

    In practice, if a Java 1.5+ runtime is being used and if xfc_ext.jar and also a number of other .jar files (batik-all.jar, jeuclid-core.jar, etc) are found in the CLASSPATH then XMLmind XSL-FO Converter supports SVG and MathML graphics referenced as external files (fo:external-graphic) or embedded in the XSL-FO file (fo:instream-foreign-object).

  • The "data:" URI scheme is now supported in the src attribute of the fo:external-graphic element.
  • The size or resolution information stored in a graphic file (e.g. the pHYs chunk in a PNG file) is now taken into account.

    The -imageResolution (/r for the .NET version) command-line parameter is now used only when such size or resolution information is not found in the graphic file (e.g. a GIF file).

  • For completeness, added two new parameters related to image and screen resolutions: -imageRendererResolution (/rr for the .NET version) and -screenResolution (/sr for the .NET version). Changing the default value, 96DPI, of these parameters is almost never needed.
  • New command-line parameter -genericFontFamilies (/f for the .NET version) allows to map the generic font-families serif, sans-serif, monospace, fantasy and cursive to actual font families.

    By default, the generic font families serif, sans-serif, monospace are mapped to "Times New Roman", Arial, "Courier New" for RTF, WML and DOCX and to "DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono" for ODT. Note that by default, fantasy and cursive are not mapped.

  • Added new extension attribute xfc:tab-align to the fo:leader element. Its possible values are: left, center, right and decimal. This attribute complements existing extension attribute xfc:tab-position.

    This attribute is used by the DocBook XSL stylesheets included in XMLmind XML Editor and in XMLmind XSL Utility and also by XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac) to generate nicer Tables of Contents (TOC).

  • The role attribute of a fo:external-graphic element is now converted to a text describing the corresponding image in the file generated by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.
  • Color property value rgb-icc() is now parsed as if it was rgb().
  • XMLmind XSL Utility now integrates XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac) v1.2.1 and Saxon v9.2.0.6.

Bug fixes:

  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter now copes with the 40-character limit of RTF, WML and DOCX bookmarks. Previously very long IDs specified on XSL-FO elements caused XMLmind XSL-FO Converter to generate MS-Word files where cross-references were broken.
  • An empty fo:list-block caused fo2odt to raise a NullPointerException.
  • Removed endlocal at the end of fo2rtf.bat, fo2wml.bat, fo2docx.bat and fo2odt.bat to allow cmd.exe /c "fo2XXX.bat" to return the exit code of fo2XXX.bat instead of always returning 0.


  • The built-in URI resolver is now much stricter than before. It now only accepts absolute or relative URIs. Something like url(C:\temp\log.gif) now longer works.
  • The -imageResolution (/r for the .NET version) command-line parameter is now used only when the size or resolution information is not found in the graphic file. Previously, this parameter was systematically used to compute the intrinsic size of a graphic.
  • The -prescaleImages (/p for the .NET version) command-line parameter is honored only for true raster graphics. Vector graphics (WMF, EMF) are never prescaled. Pre-rasterized vector graphics (SVG, MathML) are always prescaled (by the competent renderer, e.g. Batik or JEuclid, not by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter itself).
  • Converting px lengths to other units (in, mm, cm, pt, etc) is now based on the value of the new -screenResolution (/sr for the .NET version) command-line parameter. Previously, this conversion used the value of -imageResolution (/r for the .NET version) for fo:external-graphic elements and 96DPI otherwise.
  • By default, the generic font families serif, sans-serif, monospace are now mapped to "Times New Roman", Arial, "Courier New" for RTF, WML and DOCX and to "DejaVu Serif", "DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono" for ODT. Previously these font families were ``hardwired'' to be Times, Helvetica, Courier for RTF, WML and DOCX and to be "Bitstream Vera Serif", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" for ODT.

Version 4.3.2_01 (March 8, 2010)

All changes are found in XMLmind XSL Utility, that is, nothing has changed in xfc.jar (JavaTM version) and in xfc.dll (.NET version).


  • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac) to version 1.2. Ditac v1.2 allows to convert DITA documents to EPUB (standard e-book format). It also contain fixes for a few minor bugs.
  • Upgraded the JEuclid image toolkit plug-in to version 3.1.9.
  • Upgraded the DocBook XSL stylesheets to version 1.75.2.


  • Though not mandated by the DITA standard, XMLmind XSL Utility now checks that all the topics which compose the document to be converted have distinct IDs. If this is not the case, a fatal error is reported.
  • The qualified ID of a descendant element of a DITA topic is now transformed as follows: topicID/descendantID becomes topicID__descendantID in the generated content. (The separator string being used comprises two underscore characters.) Previously, it was topicID__-__descendantID, which was longer and less readable.

Version 4.3.2 (December 4, 2009)

All changes are found in XMLmind XSL Utility, that is, nothing has changed in xfc.jar (JavaTM version) and in xfc.dll (.NET version).


  • XMLmind DITA Converter v1.1.0_02 (ditac) is now integrated in XMLmind XSL Utility.

    Using XMLmind XSL Utility, you can now convert DITA 1.1 topics and maps to production-quality XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.1, HTML 4.1, JavaTM Help, HTML Help, Eclipse Help, PDF, PostScript®, RTF (can be opened in Word 2000+), WordprocessingML (can be opened in Word 2003+), Office Open XML (.docx, can be opened in Word 2007+), OpenOffice (.odt, can be opened in 2+).

    Unlike ditac, a command-line utility, XMLmind XSL Utility is a graphical tool which makes it easy parameterizing the DITA conversion process.

  • The Conversion specification combobox has been replaced by a better organized, less cluttered, popup menu.
  • Added a "Restore stock conversion specifications" button in Preferences, General section, which allows to restore all the stock conversion specifications.
  • Added a "Helper Applications" section to the dialog box displayed by clicking Preferences.

    This allows to specify the locations of respectively, jhindex and hhc.exe, two external tools, which are needed to convert DITA documents to respectively, JavaTM Help and HTML Help.

  • The conversion specifications modified or created by the user are now saved using a safer, more perennial, scheme, which has been designed to better cope with XMLmind XSL Utility upgrades.
  • On Windows, XMLmind XSL Utility now detects the case where the file generated by clicking the Convert button (e.g. MyBook.pdf) is already opened in another application (e.g. Adobe® Reader®).

    This case caused the conversion process to fail during its last step. This case is now detected at the very beginning of the conversion process. The user is then informed that she/he might need to close the file in the other application before proceeding with the conversion.

  • Unlike XMLmind XSL-FO Converter and Apache FOP, RenderX XEP is just pre-installed in XMLmind XSL Utility. The first time you'll try to use this commercial XSL-FO processor, you'll be prompted to finish its installation inside XMLmind XSL Utility.

    On Windows, XMLmind XSL Utility now detects the case where you may not finish this installation due to insufficient privileges. This typically happens on Vista when you install XMLmind XSL Utility in C:\Program Files\. In such case, a dialog box is displayed informing you how to run xep_finish_install.bat as an administrator.

Bug fixes:

  • On 64-bit Windows, xslutil.exe failed to find any installed 64-bit JavaTM runtime.


  • All the modifications you have made to the stock conversion specifications of XMLmind XSL Utility v4.3.1 will be lost. Of course, all the original conversion specifications you have personally created will be preserved.
  • All the stock conversion specifications which did not produce self-contained deliverables are no longer available.

    For example, the conversion specification called dbToHTML is no longer available. This conversion specification required the user to copy by hand all the image files referenced by the HTML pages.

  • The stock conversion specifications operating on Slides documents are no longer available.

Version 4.3.1 (April 21, 2009)

Bug fixes:

  • A build bug prevented XMLmind XSL-FO Converter .NET version from running on Windows 64-bit.

Version 4.3 (January 20, 2009)

License and price changes:

  • New, affordable, Desktop Edition, which unlike the other editions which target the developer, is aimed at the end user.
  • More liberal Developer License.
  • Lower prices in case of purchase renewal.


  • XMLmind XSL Utility, a graphical tool allowing to convert XML documents to a variety of formats (PDF, PostScript®, HTML, HTML Help, Java Help, Eclipse Help, RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML and OpenOffice, etc), has been completely rewritten to make use of the add-on architecture of XMLmind XML Editor.

    In practice, this means that XMLmind XSL Utility now:

    • Allows, out of the box, to convert DocBook 4, DocBook 5, Simplified DocBook, DocBook Slides and XHTML documents to PDF, RTF, WordprocessingML, Office Open XML and OpenOffice formats.
    • Supports XSLT 2 style sheets (Saxon 9) as well as XSLT 1 style sheets (Saxon 6).
    • Better support of XML input documents making use of XInclude.
    • Integrates RenderX XEP in addition to XMLmind XSL-FO Converter 4.3 and Apache FOP 0.95.
    • Its Preferences dialog box allows to specify which custom TrueType (.ttf) fonts are to be embedded in the PDF files generated by FOP and XEP.
    • Looks nicer.
    • Better integration with Mac OS X.
    • May also be used as a command-line tool.
  • More comprehensive User's Guide, now explaining how to integrate the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine in your JavaTM or .NET application.

Bug fixes:

  • A fo:basic-link containing anything other than text and inline-level objects caused XMLmind XSL-FO Converter to raise a NullPointerException.

    Moreover this limitation was not documented.

  • When its input was specified as an URI, the .NET XmlMind.FoConverter.Converter class did not close the XmlTextReader it created.


  • Personal Edition now automatically adds a small, non obtrusive, "Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter" stamp at the bottom of the footer (if any) of each page.
  • On the other hand, the xfc.jar (JavaTM version) and xfc.dll (.NET versions) libraries of Personal Edition are no longer obfuscated.

    This allows to evaluate the integration of the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine in your application simply by using the xfc.jar or xfc.dll library found in the distribution of Personal Edition.

  • The JavaTM version of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter now requires a JavaTM runtime version 1.4 and above to compile and run.

    Note that XMLmind XSL Utility now requires a JavaTM runtime version 1.5 and above to run.

  • The .NET version of XMLmind XSL-FO Converter now requires a .NET framework version 2.0 and above to compile and run.
  • XMLmind XSL Utility (an end-user graphical tool) and the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter SDK (command-line tools, technical documentation, class library) are now available as separate distributions.

    Both distributions are self-contained.

    Both distributions are only available as .zip archives, which should work fine on any JavaTM 1.5+ platform. This means that installing the product simply means unzipping the distribution somewhere, and that uninstalling the product simply means deleting the directory created by unzipping the distribution.

  • The user preferences of the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter command-line tools are now stored in user_preferences_dir/

    The user preferences of XMLmind XSL Utility are now stored in various files found in user_preferences_dir/.

    Directory user_preferences_dir/ is:

    • $HOME/.xfc/ on Linux.
    • $HOME/Library/Application Support/XMLmind/FOConverter/ on the Mac.
    • %APPDATA%\XMLmind\FOConverter\ on Windows 2000, XP, Vista.

      Example: C:\Documents and Settings\john\Application Data\XMLmind\FOConverter\ on Windows 2000 and XP. C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\XMLmind\FOConverter\ on Windows Vista.

Version 4.2p1 (02/22/2008)

Bug fixes

  • Unsupported XSL-FO extensions were not handled properly, possibly resulting in a NullPointerException. (This bug was introduced in version 4.2.)

Bug fixes (RTF)

  • Right border on table cells spanning multiple columns was not handled properly, possibly resulting in a missing border.

  • Implicit empty cells in a nested table would result in invalid RTF output.

Bug fixes (WML)

  • Right border on table cells spanning multiple columns was not handled properly, possibly resulting in a missing border.

  • Characters '-' and '.' in id property values would possibly result in invalid hyperlink targets. (These characters cannot be used in bookmark names as MS-Word replaces them with character '_' while leaving hyperlink targets unchanged.)

  • Footnote body was lost if the id property was set on the inline child of the footnote object.

Bug fixes (OOXML)

  • Characters '-' and '.' in id property values would possibly result in invalid hyperlink targets. (These characters cannot be used in bookmark names as MS-Word replaces them with character '_' while leaving hyperlink targets unchanged.)

Version 4.2 (12/13/2007)

New features

  • XSL-FO extension to generate structured document tags (SDTs) in an Office Open XML document.

Bug fixes (WML)

  • Character '>' was not escaped in string "]]>", resulting in invalid XML content.

Bug fixes (OOXML)

  • Character '>' was not escaped in string "]]>", resulting in invalid XML content.

  • Page number format was not properly specified in section properties.

Bug fixes (OpenDocument)

  • Character '>' was not escaped in string "]]>", resulting in invalid XML content.

  • Images in headers/footers did not show in OpenOffice, due to missing namespace declarations in file styles.xml.

XSL Utility

  • Use of XML catalogs for resolution of URIs in XSLT stylesheets.

Version 4.1 (08/23/2007)


  • Support of image viewport.

  • New property imageResolution to specify source image resolution.

  • New property prescaleImages to specify image scaling policy.

Version 4.0 (06/05/2007)

New license terms (Personal Edition).

New features

  • Support of Open XML as alternate output format.


  • New property singleSidedLayout to force single-sided page layout.

XSL Utility

  • Upgraded FOP to version 0.93.

  • Upgraded DocBook-XSL to version 1.71.1.

  • Added DTD for DocBook v4.5.

Version 3.1 (01/18/2007)

New licensing scheme (Professional Edition).


  • Improved automatic table layout provides better handling of very long words in table cells.

Bug fixes (RTF)

  • Images did not show up in MS-Word 2007. (Not a bug actually, but rather a flaw in the RTF loader of Office 2007.)

Bug fixes (RTF/WML)

  • All bookmarks supposed to be set on a list item were lost along the way, which would possibly result in broken links in the output document.

Version 3.0p1 (10/18/2006)

New licensing scheme (Professional Edition).


  • Improved automatic table layout provides better handling of very long words in table cells.

Bug fixes (RTF)

  • Images did not show up in MS-Word 2007. (Not a bug actually, but rather a flaw in the RTF loader of Office 2007.)

Bug fixes (RTF/WML)

  • All bookmarks supposed to be set on a list item were lost along the way, which would possibly result in broken links in the output document.

Version 3.0 (09/29/2006)

New features

  • Support of OpenDocument as alternate output format.

Version 2.3p1 (03/28/2006)

Bug fixes

  • A table in a list item inside a table cell would not be handled properly, resulting in incorrect RTF/WML output.

  • Some particular page sequence definitions would result in missing header/footer on even pages. (This happened for instance when converting a DocBook document with recent versions of DocBook-XSL, unless the double.sided parameter was set to '1'.)

XSL Utility

  • Fixed a bug in xslutil: conversion to RTF/WML would possibly fail when the input file was specified as a relative path name.

  • Added DTD for DocBook v4.4.

  • Upgraded DocBook-XSL to version 1.69.1.

Version 2.3 (03/02/2006)

First .NET version.


  • Revised and extended API (Professional Edition).

Bug fixes

  • Characters U+00AD (soft hyphen) and U+2011 (non-breaking hyphen) were not handled properly.

Bug fixes (RTF)

  • The font table writing did not strictly conform to the RTF specification. This syntax error would make RTF documents unreadable by TextEdit and possibly other Mac OS X applications.

XSL Utility

  • Upgrade of Saxon to version 6.5.4.

  • New transformation XHTML to RTF (XSLT stylesheet by Antenna House).

Version 2.2p1 (09/20/2005)


  • Better handling of white space at the beginning/end of a paragraph.

  • Fixed issue with characters '-' and '.' in id property values. (The RTF loader of MS-Word replaces these characters with '_' (underscore) in bookmark names.)

Bug fixes

  • List item labels containing non-textual objects (e.g. images) were not handled properly. (This bug was introduced with version 2.1.)

  • The body of a footnote was ignored if the footnote element was a child of another inline-level element.

  • Bad shorthand property values (e.g. border="1") would possibly result in a ClassCastException.

Version 2.2 (05/25/2005)


  • Use of expressions for property values specification is now supported.

  • The header and footer offsets (RTF \headery and \footery control words) are now set according to the page master margin-top and margin-bottom property values.

Bug fixes (RTF)

  • Failure to access the URL (src property value) of an external-graphic object would possibly result in a NullPointerException. (This bug affects version 2.1 only.)

  • Setting the space-before property on a nested table would result in invalid RTF output.

XSL Utility

  • Upgrade of DocBook-XSL to version 1.68.1.

Version 2.1 (03/18/2005)


  • Support of nested tables.

  • Automatic switch to the fixed table layout when all column widths are specified.

Bug fixes (RTF)

  • The charset encoder used to determine if a given character can be represented in the output encoding was a class variable, which could possibly cause an IllegalStateException in a multi-threaded environment.

Bug fixes (WML)

  • XML special characters (e.g. '&') were not escaped in the w:dest attribute values.

Version 2.0 (10/20/2004)

New features

  • Support of WML as alternate output format.

Bug fixes

  • When a block contained character data followed by a table, the character data before the table would end up inside the first cell of the table.

  • Values of some compound properties (e.g. border-separation) were not properly evaluated.

Version 1.3 (05/28/2004)

New features

  • Support of multiple page layouts (e.g. different headers and/or footers on left and right pages).


  • Support of justified text in the body of list items.

Bug fixes

  • XFC would occasionally hang while processing an external-graphic object in some particular environments (e.g. on Windows platforms with JRE 1.3).

  • The margin-left and margin-right properties were not considered in the computation of text indents.

XSL Utility

  • Upgrade of DocBook-XSL to version 1.65.1.

  • The Jimi image library is now included in the distribution.

Version 1.2 (12/03/2003)


  • Support of the proportional-column-width function.

  • Support of the text-align property on the table-and-caption element.

  • Support of the keep-with-next property on table rows (MS-Word compatible implementation).

  • Handling of vertical space before a table. (Implemented by means of an empty paragraph.)

  • Use of the RTF Unicode control word (\u) for characters that cannot be represented in the output encoding. (Requires JRE 1.4+.)

Bug fixes

  • A bookmark (id property) attached to the last block of a document was lost if the block contained no character data.

  • Particular values of the border, border-top, border-bottom, border-left and border-right property (e.g. border-top="solid") would cause a NullPointerException. (Was supposed to be fixed since version 1.0p1.)

  • A list-item-body element with a list-block as its first child was not handled properly, resulting in weird paragraph layout.

XSL Utility

  • Upgrade of DocBook-XSL to version 1.62.0.

  • Drag & Drop support enhancement.

  • Command-line utility for batch processing.

Version 1.1 (03/19/2003)

New features

  • Support of page references (page-number-citation element).

  • Partial support of leaders (leader element).

  • Support of hypertext links (external-destination and internal-destination properties).

  • New image converter based on the Java Image I/O library.

  • New Java property

Bug fixes

  • Paragraph attributes were not reset inside an empty table cell, resulting in bad rendering by MS-Word whenever the very first cell of a table was empty.

XSL Utility

  • Upgrade to FOP 0.20.4 and DocBook-XSL 1.60.1.

Version 1.0p1 (10/31/2002)


  • Revised and extended API (Professional Edition).

Bug fixes

  • Particular values of some shorthand properties would cause a NullPointerException. This bug would show up for instance when the value of the border, border-top, border-bottom, border-left or border-right property did not specify the border color, e.g. border-top="solid".

  • A bad property value would possibly result in additional properties of the current object not being evaluated.

  • The background color of an outer block would not propagate to inner blocks.

  • SAX exceptions were not handled properly, causing a NullPointerException when trying to convert an ill-formed document.

Version 1.0 (07/26/2002)

First commercial version.


  • Support of keeps and breaks properties in tables.

  • Support of the scale-to-fit value of the content-width/content-height properties.

Bug fixes

  • The space-after and break-after properties were not handled properly.

  • Image scaling was inaccurate when the content-width or content-height property was specified as a <length> value.

Version 1.0b1 (06/05/2002)

New features

  • Automatic table layout.

  • Collapsing border model.

  • Support of the static-content (before and after regions), footnote and page-number elements.


  • Support of lists in table cells.

  • Full implementation of the separated border model.

  • Partial support of keeps and breaks properties.

  • Support of the baseline-shift property.

  • Support of the background color and border attributes of inline-level elements.

  • Better selection of a page master among alternatives.

  • Use of the bullet character (\u2022) as default label in bulleted lists.

Bug fixes

  • The font attributes of basic-link elements were ignored.

  • The monospace generic family was not bound to an actual monospaced font.

  • The list numbering type specification was not compatible with Word 97.

  • White space between two inline-level elements was entirely discarded.

  • The initial value of the column-number property did not consider row spans, possibly causing an incorrect table layout in some situations.

  • The initial value of the border-*-color properties was not properly set, possibly causing a NullPointerException in some situations.

  • XSL-FO extensions - e.g. fox - were not handled properly, resulting in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Version 0.9 (03/04/2002)

Initial release.

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