2.2. Using xxeconvert to convert documents


xxeconvert [Advanced Option]* [Special Option]*
     [-t XSLT_stylesheet_file_or_URL]?
     [-r|-ru resource_name resource_value]*
     [-p|-pu XSLT_stylesheet_param_name XSLT_stylesheet_param_value]*
     process_command_name doc_file_or_URL
     [-s|-u process_command_arg]*

Converts XML document doc_file_or_URL using process command in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands called process_command_name, found in any of the XXE configuration files scanned during the startup of xxeconvert (see XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment).

Common options:

-t XSLT_stylesheet_file_or_URL

Use this alternate XSLT style sheet instead of the one specified in the first transform child element of the process command.

If specified process command has no transform child element but has subProcess child elements, these sub-processes are searched recursively for a transform child element.

-r|-ru resource_name resource_value

Copy specified resource rather than the one specified in the <copyProcessResources name="resource_name"> child element of the process command.

-ru is useful when the resource value is a relative filename that needs to be converted to an absolute "file:" URL.

-p|-pu XSLT_stylesheet_param_name XSLT_stylesheet_param_value

Add/replace corresponding XSLT style sheet parameter in the first transform child element of the process command.

-pu is useful when the parameter value is a relative filename that needs to be converted to an absolute "file:" URL.

If specified process command has no transform child element but has subProcess child elements, these sub-processes are searched recursively for a transform child element.

-p|-pu param_group_name/param_name param_value

Add/replace specified parameter to parameter group called param_group_name.

-pu is useful when the parameter value is a relative filename that needs to be converted to an absolute "file:" URL.

DocBook example: -p docb.toRTF.XFCParameters/docx.variant 15[1], where parameter group docb.toRTF.XFCParameters is declared as follows in XXE_install_dir/addon/config/docbook/xslMenu.incl:

<command name="docb.toRTF">
    <processFO processor="XFC" file="__doc.fo" to="__doc.%0">
      <parameter name="outputFormat">%0</parameter>
      <parameter name="outputEncoding">%1</parameter>
      <parameter name="imageResolution">120</parameter>
      <parameter name="prescaleImages">false</parameter>
      <parameterGroup name="docb.toRTF.XFCParameters" />
-s|-u process_command_arg

Pass these arguments to the process command as the values of process variables %0, %1, ..., %9.

If -s (String) is specified, the argument is passed as is.

If -u (URL) is specified, the argument, a file or directory name, is first converted to an URL.

Special options:

-profile -|file_or_URL

Apply this conditional processing (profiling) file to the document being converted.

This file may be

  • a ".ditaval" file optionally ending with "?media=screen" (default media) or "?media=print"

  • OR a ".profiles" file ending with a fragment (e.g. "#my_profile") specifying the ID of the selected profile.

Specify "-" to suppress profiling.


Make sure to use Apache FOP to generate PDF (just for this document conversion; sometimes useful because Apache FOP has MathML support).


Sets the debug attribute of the process command to value true (no matter what has been specified in the process element).

This prevents the process command from deleting its work directory (/tmp/xxeNNNN/) at the end of the processing.


Turn verbosity on. The more Vs, the more verbose.

Advanced options:

-auth credentials

This option can be used to specify authentication credentials for a given server. This allows to connect to the specified server without interactively asking the user to enter a username and a password.

String credentials consists in 6 fields: host, port, prompt, scheme, username, password, in that order, separated by a newline character ('\n'). Fields host, port, prompt, scheme can be left empty, which means: match any. The UTF-8 bytes of the string are then encoded in base-64.

Command-line utility XXE_install_dir/bin/authvalue allows to generate such encoded string. Example: encode string "\n\nDocument Store\n\nvictoria\nsecret":

/opt/xxe/bin$ authvalue victoria secret - "Document Store"

/opt/xxe/bin$ xxeconvert convert -auth CgpEb2N1bWVudCBTdG9yZQoKanZpY3RvcmlhCnNlY3JldA== \
docb.toHTML http://www.acme.com/docstore/push_up.xml -u docs/

Command-line utility authvalue is auto-documented. Type authvalue, then press Enter to display a short documentation explaining how to use this utility.

See also Appendix A, About xxeconvert and user authentication for an alternative way to let the user of xxeconvert authenticate to a server.

-putpref key value

Adds or replace preference specified by key/value to the set of the user's preferences.

Note that the -putpref, -putprefs, -delprefs options change the user's preferences only during this invocation of xxeconvert. xxeconvert reads, but never writes the contents of file XXE_user_preferences_dir/preferences.properties.

-putprefs property_file_or_URL

Similar to -putpref except that several key/value pairs may be read from specified property file.

-delpref key

Removes preference specified by key from the set of the user's preferences.


Example 1. Convert a DocBook document to multi-page HTML
  1. First run "xxeconvert convert" to list all availables process commands:

    $ xxeconvert dontknow
  2. Process command docb.toHTML[2] looks good. Run "xxeconvert docb.toHTML" to print its online help:

    $ xxeconvert docb.toHTML
    xxeconvert [options] docb.toHTML docbook_file_or_URL \
      -u output_dir_filename_or_URL
      Convert DocBook document docbook_file_or_URL to multi-page HTML.
      Create the HTML pages in directory output_dir_filename_or_URL.
      xxeconvert convert docb.toHTML doc.xml -u out/
  3. Use process command docb.toHTML to convert DocBook document help.xml to multi-page HTML created in directory docs/help/.

    $ xxeconvert -p toc.section.depth 4 -p chunk.section.depth 2 \
        docb.toHTML help.xml \
        -u docs/help

    IMPORTANT: If file help.xml is a DocBook 5.0 document and not a DocBook 4 document, please make sure to invoke command db5.toHTML and not command docb.toHTML. If you make this mistake, you'll get the following error:

    xxeconvert: *** error: did not find command 'docb.toHTML'¬
    in configuration 'DocBook 5.0'
Example 2. Convert a DocBook document to PDF
  1. First run "xxeconvert convert" to list all availables process commands:

    $ xxeconvert whichone
  2. Process command docb.toPSFile[3] looks good. Run "xxeconvert convert docb.toPSFile" to print its online help:

    $ xxeconvert docb.toPSFile
    xxeconvert convert [options] docb.toPSFile docbook_file_or_URL \
      -s pdf -s "|pdf" -u pdf_file_or_URL
      Convert DocBook document docbook_file_or_URL to PDF file pdf_file_or_URL.
      xxeconvert convert docb.toPSFile doc.xml -s pdf -s "|pdf" -u out/doc.pdf
  3. Use process command docb.toPSFile to convert DocBook document doc.xml to commands.pdf.

    $ xxeconvert -t fo_docbook.xsl \
        -p toc.section.depth 4 -p callout.graphics 0 -p variablelist.as.blocks 1 \
        docb.toPSFile doc.xml \
        -s pdf -s "|pdf" -u docs/commands/commands.pdf

    Notice that an alternate, customized, XSLT style sheet, fo_docbook.xsl, is used instead of the stock docbook.xsl.

    IMPORTANT: If file help.xml is a DocBook 5.0 document and not a DocBook 4 document, please make sure to invoke command db5.toPSFile and not command docb.toPSFile. If you make this mistake, you'll get the following error:

    xxeconvert: *** error: did not find command 'docb.toPSFile'¬
    in configuration 'DocBook 5.0'

[1] This XMLmind XSL-FO Converter option marks generated DOCX file as being compatible with MS-Word 2013.

[2] The docb.toHTML process command is defined in XXE_install_dir/addon/config/docbook/xslMenu.incl.

[3] The docb.toPSFile process command is defined in XXE_install_dir/addon/config/docbook/xslMenu.incl.