2. Profiling commands

2.1. Command setProfiling

No parameter.

This command displays a dialog box allowing to associate a set of profiles or a profile belonging to a profile set to the document being edited. It also lets the user remove the association existing between the document being edited and a profile or a set of profiles.

2.2. Command setProfilingAttributes

Parameter syntax:

[ profiling_attribute_name S profiling_attribute_value 
  [ S profiling_attribute_name S profiling_attribute_value ]* ]

This command is disabled unless the document being edited has been associated to a set of profiles.

Without a parameter, this command displays a dialog box allowing to add, replace or remove one or more profiling attributes to/from the implicitly or explicitly selected element.

When passed an empty string as a parameter, this command removes all the profiling attributes from the selected element.

When passed a parameter string containing (possibly quoted) attribute name/value pairs, the command first removes all the profiling attributes from the selected element if any, and then, adds specified profiling attributes to the selected element. This facility is mainly useful to repeat the command (EditRepeat; keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A) on another element.


setProfilingAttributes ""
setProfilingAttributes userlevel advanced security "for your eyes only"