18. toolBar

  name = NMTOKEN
  helpId = NMTOKEN
  insert = non empty token
  replace = non empty token
  replaceEnd = non empty token
  Content: [ insert | action | tool | separator | toolBarItems | menu ]*

<insert />

  name = NMTOKEN

  name = NMTOKEN

<separator />

  name = NMTOKEN

  name = NMTOKEN

Specifies a tool bar. A tool bar contains references to action, tool, toolBarItems and menu elements declared elsewhere in the GUI specification.

Unless the referenced toolBarItems element has a count attribute, the reference to the toolBarItems element, if any, must be the last reference contained in the toolBar element.

The insert child element, the insert, replace, replaceEnd attributes may be used to customize to the previous definition of a tool bar. More information in Customizing a composite part without redefining it from scratch.



Required. Unique name identifying the tool bar in this GUI specification.


Online help ID of the tool bar.


  <toolBar name="selectToolBar" helpId="selectToolBar">
    <action name="selectParentAction" />
    <action name="selectChildAction" />
    <action name="selectPreviousSiblingAction" />
    <action name="selectNextSiblingAction" />
    <separator />
    <action name="extendSelectionToPreviousSiblingAction" />
    <action name="extendSelectionToNextSiblingAction" />

Example, add a separator and tool countWordsTool at the end of the standard select tool bar:

  <toolBar name="selectToolBar">
    <insert />
    <separator />
    <tool name="countWordsTool" />