4.5. The leftPanes and rightPanes child elements of layout

  width = double between 0 and 1 inclusive : 0.25
  topHeight = double between 0 and 1 inclusive : 0.5
  insert = non empty token
  replace = non empty token
  replaceEnd = non empty token
  Content: [ insert | pane ]+

<insert />

  name = NMTOKEN
  position = top|bottom : top
  selected = boolean : false

Element leftPanes specifies the list of panes which will be found at the left of the document views. Element rightPanes specifies the list of panes which will be found at the right the document views. The panes referenced in these lists must have been declared in this GUI specification.

If the pane area contains several panes, these panes will be contained in a special, splittable, tabbed, container. In such case:

Attribute topHeight

Specifies the size of the top area relatively to the bottom area, when the container is split in two parts.

Attribute position of the reference to the pane

Specifies the position, top or bottom, of the pane when the container is split in two parts. (Specifying top for one or more panes and bottom for all the other panes will cause the container to be split in two parts.)

Attribute selected of the reference to the pane

Specifies whether the tab showing the pane should be selected or not.

Otherwise, the above attributes are ignored.

In all cases, attribute width specifies the size of the pane area. 0 means that the pane area should be minimized (it will be hidden). 1 means that the pane area should be maximized (it will entirely fill the main window).


      <pane name="editPane"/>

      <pane name="editAttributePane" />
      <pane name="textSearchReplacePane" />
      <pane name="checkSpellingPane" />
      <pane name="insertCharacterPane" />
      <pane name="checkValidityPane" />

Example, right pane area is split in two parts with editPane at top and all the other panes at bottom:

    <rightPanes topHeight="0.33">
      <pane name="editPane" selected="true" />
      <pane name="editAttributePane" position="bottom" selected="true" />
      <pane name="textSearchReplacePane" position="bottom" />
      <pane name="checkSpellingPane" position="bottom" />
      <pane name="insertCharacterPane" position="bottom" />
      <pane name="checkValidityPane" position="bottom" />