2. XXE is specified as an assembly of AppParts

App, which is the XMLmind XML Editor desktop application, is an assembly of AppParts. This assembly is specified in DesktopApp.xxe_gui.

AppPart is an interface:

activeEditorChangedInvoked after the active editor has changed or when there is no active editor at all (generally because all documents have been closed).
isEditingContextSensitiveThis method must return true if the part is intrinsically context sensitive and it must return false if this part is intrinsically not context sensitive.
editingContextChangedInvoked when the editing context (text node containing caret, node selection, etc) changes in active editor. This method is never invoked if isEditingContextSensitive returned false when the App has registered the part.
validityStateChangedInvoked after active document has been checked for validity.
saveStateChangedInvoked after active document has been saved or, on the contrary, when its has been modified and thus needs to be saved.
namespacePrefixesChangedInvoked after the namespace/prefix map has been modified for the active document.
undoStateChangedInvoked after it becomes possible to undo or redo a command in active document or, on the contrary, when it becomes impossible to undo or redo a command.
applyPreferencesIf this part supports user preferences, this part should update its state after reading its settings from the object returned by App.getPreferences.
flushPreferencesIf this part supports user preferences, this part should store its current settings in the object returned by App.getPreferences.

Visual objects may implement this interface (EditAttributePane, OpenAction, etc) as well as non-visual objects (AutoSavePart, SpellOptionsPart, etc).

There are building blocks other than AppParts: AppPreferencesSheets. These objects are somewhat simpler than AppParts and much less related to the App than AppParts. For now, suffice to say that next chapter will describe how to write a simple AppPreferencesSheet.

This chapter will not attempt to describe another way to extend XMLmind XML Editor: OpenDocumentHook.

Several interfaces extends the AppPart interface:


Interface implemented by a javax.swing.JComponent designed to be included in an horizontal tool bar or in a status bar.


Interface implemented by a javax.swing.JComponent designed to be included in the “tool area” found at the left and/or at the right of the document views.

Several abstract classes implements the AppPart interface (they are not all listed here):


A javax.swing.AbstractAction which implements the AppPart interface.


An AppAction which is expected to take a long time to run.


An AppAction which is expected to take a long time to run and which can be canceled during its execution.


An AppAction which is a wrapper for a CommandBase.


A dynamic set of menu items. For example, this is used to implement configuration specific menu items.


A dynamic set of tool bar buttons. For example, this is used to implement configuration specific tool bar buttons.


A dynamic set of “ribbon” buttons. For example, this is used to implement configuration specific ribbon buttons.


A “worker” part, having no GUI. For example, the auto-save feature is implemented this way.