83. resizeImage

Parameter syntax:

[ attribute_name['='[attribute_value]] ]+

This command allows to resize an image by removing one or more attributes and/or setting one or more attributes to values expressed in pixels.


Specifies that attribute attribute_name must be set to value attribute_value (which may be the empty string).

An attribute name is specified using the {namespace_URI}local_name notation. Examples: alt, {}alt, {http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}:href, xml:id.


Notice there is no '=' sign. Specifies that attribute attribute_name must be removed.

This command has been designed to be bound to the following application events in XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment. These application events are generated by an image-viewport() in XMLmind XML Editor - Support of Cascading Style Sheets (W3C CSS) when the user drags one of the handles displayed around the image:


Resize the image, but always preserve its aspect ratio.


This application event is generated when the user drags a handle while pressing Ctrl (Cmd on the Mac). This allows to distort the image.

Binding one of the above application events to a command allows to have one or more of the following variables substituted in the parameter of the bound command:


The new width of the image expressed in pixels.


The new height of the image expressed in pixels.


true if the aspect ratio has been preserved while the user dragged the resize handle; false otherwise.

XHTML example:

  <appEvent name="resize-image" />
  <command name="resizeImage" 
           parameter="height=%{height} width=%{width}" />

  <appEvent name="rescale-image" />
  <command name="resizeImage" parameter="height width=%{width}" />

DocBook example:

  <appEvent name="resize-image" />
  <command name="resizeImage" 
           parameter="contentdepth=%{height} contentwidth=%{width} 
                      scale scalefit" />

  <appEvent name="rescale-image" />
  <command name="resizeImage" 
           parameter="contentdepth contentwidth=%{width} 
                      scale scalefit"/>