49. insertNode

Parameter syntax:

'commentInto'|'piInto'|'textInto' | 
 'commentAfter'|'piAfter'|'textAfter'|'sameElementAfter' [ implicit_selection ]?)
[ pi_target ]?

If option ends with Into, inserts node specified by beginning of option (comment, pi, text, sameElement) into:

If option ends with Before or After, inserts node specified by beginning of option (comment, pi, text, sameElement) before or after selected node.

pi_target may be used to specify the target of the processing instruction to be inserted (options piInto, piBefore or piAfter). By default, this target is the last one interactively specified using command editPITarget if any, and placeholder string "target" otherwise.

pi_target is ignored for node types other than processing instructions.


insertNode textBefore[implicitElement]
insertNode textInto
insertNode sameElementAfter[implicitElement]
insertNode piInto
insertNode piAfter[implicitNode] php