124. XXE.new

Parameter syntax:

  category_name | '-'
  template_name | '-'
  [ save_file_or_URL | '-'  [ '[createOnly]' ]? ]? 

Creates a new document by copying a named template (that is, a document template which has been declared in an XXE configuration file).

When category_name and template_name are absent or specified as "-", the command displays the FileNew dialog box to let the user choose a document template. When this is the case and when category_name is different from "-", the FileNew dialog box preselects specified category.



Specifies the (case-insensitive) name of the category of the document template. A category consists in one or more segments separated by character '/'.

By default, the category of a document template is the name of the configuration in which this template has been specified.

Example 1: actual category : XHTML/1.0 or xhtml/1.0 (category "XHTML/1.0" includes all the templates specified in configurations "XHTML Strict" and "XHTML Transitional").

Example 2: actual category : XHTML/5 or xhtml/5 (category "XHTML/5" includes all the templates specified in configuration "XHTML 5").

Example 3: category which is in fact a configuration name: DocBook or docbook (the document templates of DocBook 4 are not sorted into categories).


Specifies the (case-insensitive, possibly localized) name of a document template. Example: "Seite (Streng)" ("Page (Strict)" in German).

Alternatively, you can specify the basename —with or without a file extension— of the file containing the document template. Doing this should work whatever your locale. XHTML/1.0 example: "page_strict.xhtml". DocBook example: "refentry".

Note that the XXE.new command will fail if there are several document templates in specified category having the same basename. XHTML/1.0 example: "page_strict". (XHTML/1.0 contains both "page_strict.xhtml" and "page_strict.html".)


When this argument is specified as a filename or URL, the newly created document is immediately saved to specified location.

When this argument is specified as "-", the command displays the file chooser dialog box to let the user specify a save location for the newly created document. After this, the newly created document is immediately saved to specified location.

When this argument is absent, the newly created document is automatically given a save location but it is not actually saved to this location (that is, the command behaves like menu item FileNew).


Create the new document and save it to a file, but do not open the new document in XXE just after creating it.

Returns CommandResult.DONE having newly created com.xmlmind.xml.doc.Document as its value (for use by higher-level commands) or CommandResult.FAILED if specified template cannot be opened or CommandResult.CANCELED if user has canceled the command.


XXE.new - -
XXE.new "TEI Lite" -
XXE.new - - -
XXE.new "TEI Lite" - -
XXE.new - - /tmp/doc.xml
XXE.new docbook refentry
XXE.new XHTML/1.0 "HTML Page (Transitional)"
XXE.new xhtml/1.0 page_strict.html /tmp/contact.html
XXE.new "XHTML/1.0" page_strict.html /tmp/news.html [createOnly]